The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 9, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Association Had a Meeting
Although weather conditions have made soccer games impossible for the last eight weeks, the ice covered fields did not prevent the moguls of the United Football Association of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania from getting toothier for a confab and such a session was held in Philadelphia last night. This is the district in which the Bethlehem & District League is am ember and the local crowd was represented at the meeting by its secretary, J. Harry Carpenter. The latter is becoming more active than ever in soccer circles where in addition to presiding in a number of important games thus far this season he is also guiding the destinies of the local minor organizations. The new name recently adopted by the former Blue Mountain Soccer League was officially sanctioned last night. IN addition to brining up this matter, Mr. Carpenter introduced a motion , which was carried, instructing the national committee to appoint a neutral linesman for all national cup matches. It also become apparent that the association will not stand for any abusive language to the referees in the future. (This was noted when two players were suspended for six months for resorting to such tactics.

Games Almost Certain For Saturday
Barring rain, snow, sleet and zero weather during the week, the Bethlehem Steel F. C. is almost certain to take up its season's campaigning where it was left off almost nine weeks ago. This is the longest period ever that the team was forced to idleness and the players as well as the fans were itching for a good red hot contest. The small army of loyals who for several weeks have been battling the snow and ice have at last conquered the elements and barring any more inclement conditions during the week, "Billy" Sheridan feels certain that the playing space of the field can be rounded into condition for a setto on Saturday. The Wanderers, a Philadelphia, will be the attraction in a National Cup game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club