The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, March 10, 1919
Paterson's Defeat Yesterday By Merchant A Gives Local Eleven Championship
Bethlehem Strengthened Position on Saturday by Defeating New York 2 to 1

The first coveted honors in soccer of the season were capture yesterday by the Bethlehem Steel F. C. when the team annexed the pennant in the National League. The champions are also in the running for the American and National Cup honors, and with the one title safely tucked away, promise to make a strong bid for the other two. If successful, the Steel Workers will establish a record never before equaled. Paterson threaten to make a strong bid in ousting the champions and were runners up to the Steel Workers until yesterday afternoon, when, despite the heavy rainstorm, the team took to the field at Harriman and suffered a 2-goals-to-none defeat at the hands of Merchant A team. The indifferent playing of the Steel Workers against the New York F. C. on Saturday afternoon also came near causing some trouble and had the local aggregation lost, the team would practically be on the same footing as the Jerseyites. The victory of the Bristol team cost the Paterson crowd the cup. Their only previous defeat was by Bethlehem in the first game of the series played in Bethlehem and incidentally was the first game of the season for the local crows. Bethlehem has won from all other teams and was tied once by Merchant A, so even if they lose to Paterson in the return game, they will win the trophy.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club