The Globe -- Bethlehem
March 10, 1919
Local Soccer Champions Manager, However, to Emerge Victorious Over
NEW YORK F. C., 2 TO 1

The Steel Workers apparently did not realize the important bearing the result of the game with the New York F. C. on Saturday afternoon had on the National League standing for their display of soccer was about the worst witnessed on Bethlehem Steel field this season and anything but the playing of championship caliber. However, the Steel Workers managed to emerge the winners by 2 goals to 1 and the only loss suffered was the impression made upon the fans. Every team has an off day and Saturday happened to be the "Jonah" for the Bethlehem squad. Fortunately it came in a contest against a team such as the visitors, instead of being delayed for the cup competitions.

The Steel Workers' forwards played as indifferently as if the result of the game caused little concern. The half backs and full backs had the upper hand of the visitors during the most of the game but their efforts were wasted through the forward line giving the poorest exhibition of shooting ever seen here.

The visitors won the toss and Easton kicked off for Bethlehem. New York got possession but Campbell broke up a nice movement. The visitors' right wing started for Duncan but Ferguson cleared and McKelvey and Butler mad Bethlehem's first visit to enemy territory, Butler shooting past. In the nest few minutes Forrest also took a shot at the goal but the shot went wide. The visitors' left wing became prominent but Brown intercepted in fine style and placed to McKelvey, Fleming shooting past from the latter's cross. Offside against Easton gave the visitors' defense a respite and E. Vaudewege made tracks for Duncan. Ferguson again cleared. Bethlehem once more attacked, Easton sending high over the bar and another shot from Easton missed the upright. Another raid by Bethlehem and Easton tested Farro for the first time after fifteen minutes play in a scrimmage in front of goal. A New York player handled and a penalty was awarded to Bethlehem. Fleming took the kick but his effort was poor, the goal keeper clearing an easy shot directly at him. In the next minute Fleming almost scored with the best shot he got in during the game but Ferro pulled off a brilliant save. Bethlehem continued to attack and after twenty-six minutes of play Easton scored from close range. Bethlehem seemed to consider the game on ice, and played indifferently, particularly the forwards who although given many opportunities to test Ferro contented themselves with shooting from impossible angles from the rest of the period, with the result that half time found the Champions with but one goal lead.

Bethlehem attacked immediately and Fleming had three shots at goal in the first three minutes but all the efforts were poor, and the visitors right wing carried the ball down the field. Ferguson, who was playing a great game intercepted Vanderwege cross and easily cleared. Petri and Leahy beat Brown and Wilson with nice passing but Petri's shot went wide. Bethlehem attacked and Fleming was called up for offside. On the next play Fleming shot hard from close range. Ferro stopped the shot but could not hold it and Forrest rushing in breasted the ball into the net for Bethlehem's second goal. Bethlehem seemed to become more indifferent than ever with the result that the visitors became more aggressive and had several shots at goal and also forced a corner. The corner was fruitless, McWilliams sending over the bar. Campbell got possession and placed to Fleming and the later hit the upright with a hard drive. Offside against Easton spoiled a good opportunity and the Visitors' forward line showed clever football and carried the ball into Bethlehem territory where Duncan was called upon to save twice in rapid succession. The visitors continued to attack and after two shots that went wide, they forced a corner off Campbell, Pepper mad a great clearance and the right wing broke away but McKelvey's parting shot went wide. Easton followed suit by sending past when well placed. Butler also lifted one over the bar but made amends the next minutes by testing Ferro with a low drive from eighteen yards range. McKelvey forced a corner but nothing came of the effort. The visitors again carried the ball up the field with long passing and they almost scored when Duncan left his goal to clear from the left wing, Leahy kicking the ball over his head to Holleran and the Steel Workers were fortunate that Pepper was in position to prevent the inside right from getting a direct shot at goal, the ball going past from close range. Bethlehem again attacked and Fleming made a nice run but he spoiled the effort by running the ball over the line. In the closing minutes the visitors carried the ball to the Bethlehem penalty area and Petri took advantage of an all-around misunderstanding of the defense by driving the ball into the net. This reverse seemed to wake up the Steel Workers and the visitors were given no further opportunity to shoot for goal, the game ending with the ball in midfield.

New York F. C. -- Bethlehem
Ferro -- G -- Duncan
W. Vandewege -- R. F. B. -- Ferguson
Kelly - L. F. B. -- Wilson
Morrison -- R. H. B. -- Brown
McWilliams -- C. H. B. -- Campbell
Koehler -- L. H. B. -- Pepper
G. Vandewege -- O. R. -- McKelvey
Holleran -- I. R. -- Butler
Duncan -- C. F. -- Easton
Petri -- I. L. -- Forrest
Leahy -- O. L. -- Fleming
Goals -- Petri, Easton, Forrest, Referee -- George Young; Linesmen -- McGee and Morrison.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club