The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, March 10, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Not All the Honors Gone
While it is unanimously conceded that the Bethlehem Steel soccer team is eliminated from the important dribbling classic in the country players and local fans should not feel so severely depressed by the victory of Fall River, for remaining before the season closes are other laurels that can still be attained. Bethlehem is out of the National Cup after advancing and seeming to have the best opportunity since the last trophy won by the Bethlehems in the season 1918-19. From now on their efforts must be concentrated in the American League soccer race and the American Cup competition. These laurels are still to be obtained and what should make the fight keen for the Steel Workers is that in all probability it will be Fall River that looms up as the rival opponent in both of these trophy affairs.

Fall River a Hoodoo
The superstitious fan will say that Fall River is the hoodoo of the local club, similarly to clubs which in the past that have proven hard for the Bethlehems to defeat. It is true that Fall River with its bevy of Bethlehem players has something on the Bethlehem boys that something is hardly merit for a comparison of man to man and it is doubtful if the local management even after being defeated would even consider a swap. Fall River, imbued with spirit and dash of the American game, resorting to the rush and kick style, seemed better adapted to the field conditions of yesterday. However, any one of the twenty thousand spectators who witnessed the game would no doubt say that Bethlehem was over Fall River as completely as a tent. Still Fall River scored goals and Bethlehem didn't In the three gams in which the Bethlehems were pitted against the New Englanders, their best efforts have resulted in a lone tally. On the other hand Fall River has scored no less than three.

Deliberate Act of Lorimer
There is no justification for unsportsmanlike tactics on the field of play but quite often when tactics of deliberate intention are resorted to there are extenuating circumstances which should be carefully balanced before censuring too severely. It is only human to retaliate, especially when wrapped up in the heat of battle. It is the Lorimer-Maxwell episode of yesterday's game which forced the two teams to play practically all of the second half of the game with ten men and Bethlehem was the chief sufferer. Maxwell is regarded as one of the most dangerous forwards in the country and if Lorimer's act was not intentional, to the spectators it surely was deliberate. Lorimer, a former Bethlehem player, who it is understood has been ruled off the soccer field on no less than two occasions for tactics similar, tumbled Maxwell after the latter had made a most brilliant individual run from the center of the field. In regaining their feet, it is presumed an argument followed which from all appearances was quickly quelled by Referee McCabe. But when the latter turned his back to move into position, Lorimer, who had possession of the ball hurled it into the face of Maxwell. And Maxwell retaliated with a blow to the face just in time for the referee to detect his act. Instantly realizing what he had done, Maxwell broken hearted walked off the field. Lorimer protest vigorously before complying with the demand of the referee to do likewise. The trick was done and as a result Bethlehem's offensive, when most needed, was shot to pieces.

The Approaching of the Inevitable
By the popularity of soccer attested by the more than twenty thousand fans who witnessed the game, it looks as through the time is not far distant when big league soccer will be confined to the larger cities. The sport apparently has taken a strong hold on the sports followers and with such vast attendances it is only natural that the major circuit will be located in the principal cities where the gates reimburse the promoters in their efforts to secure star players. The spirit and enthusiasm of that crowd yesterday were in strong contrast to the four or five hundred who regularly attend the home games. And Bethlehem with one of the foremost teams in the country. The Cypress Hill section where the game is played is located in Long Island, the outskirts of Brooklyn. The exact distance from the Pennsylvania State in New York is twelve miles. And still soccer fans by the thousands journeyed over from New York, hundreds from the Bronx and some coming as far distant in the Metropolitan section as Bayshore, easily a distance of forty or more miles. Included among those who came from the distant points was Jimmy Campbell, former captain of the old Bethlehem team who resides at Bayshore.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club