Bethlehem Steel soccer team will go through special training three days this week in preparation for the semifinal game at Newark on Sunday with the Robins Dry Dock F. C. in the American Cup. On Tuesday and Thursday training will consist of shooting practice, corner kicking and sprinting with a view to improve the ability to finish that which was so conspicuous by its absence last Saturday. The Robins were defeated a few weeks ago in a National League game at Bethlehem, but have been making strenuous efforts to strengthen the team since that defeat and will be sure to put up a hard struggle. The game will be played on Clarke Field, Newark, N. J., and although the field is not as large as the Steel Workers are accustomed, nevertheless they are no strangers to the ground, having already scored twelve goals this season on that ground and none have been registered against them. If they are able to reproduce the shooting form that was so evident in the game against the Goodyear Rubber Co., they ought to be once more American Cup finalists.
Now that Bethlehem Steel are National League champions, they ought to be in much better shape for the cup games, as the National League situation caused a lot of worry, and they are glad to have it over with. Merchant A's victory over Paterson last Sunday eliminated the latter as contenders so that the Steel Workers' remaining game with Paterson, at Paterson, will have no bearing on the championship.
Jack Dalton, the former Naval Academy fullback, who died recently, was also a brilliant soccer player and made a great reputation in he St. Louis district before going to the Naval Academy.
Sydney Brown, the former Canadian player, gave a good exhibition last Saturday, at right halfback, and ought to improve in his play when he becomes more accustomed to the Steel Workers' style. He tackles well and shows a good conception of a halfback's requirements by placing the ball neatly to the forwards.
Harry Ratican and Bob Miller will be in shape for Sunday's game, so that the finishing ought to be a big improvement on last Saturday's game. Individualism is all right "some times" but combination is what made the champions' reputation, and only unselfish combination will sustain it.