The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 11, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

The Case of Lorimer
Alec Lorimer, left halfback of the Fall River soccer team, will probably be lost to the New England club in the National final to be played in St. Louis in about two weeks. His banishment from the game may result due to the episode at Dexter Park field on Saturday afternoon when deliberately he tossed the ball into Sturdy Maxwell's face. It is understood that twice previously t his season he was guilty of similar conduct on the playing field and was ordered out of the game. Suspension for the balance of the season is likely to follow. That is if the case is brought to the attention of the proper authorities before the Fall River team invades the West for the National final. Lorimer, the left halfback of the Fall River team, is known as "Dynamite," a sobriquet with which he was christened because of his heavy drive but probably more befitting because of his violent display of temper on the playing field.

Suspension also for Maxwell
Although circumstances are extenuating in the case of Sturdy Maxwell, the Bethlehem front liner, who responded with his fists to the deliberate tactics of Lorimer, it is almost certain that the Steel Workers will be deprived of his services for some time. That there was provocation for what he did would no doubt be the unanimous opinion of everyone of the vast crowd of spectators who witnessed the game. However, with the rapid development of soccer in this country, the officials can ill afford to have the games marred by fistic displays and in order to curb future violent displays on the field drastic punishment will no doubt be meted out. In the case of Maxwell, the brilliant forward is more to be pitied than censured for under similar stress it would be hard for any player to restrain himself. For Maxwell, let it be said that the former Third Lanark is regarded as one of the most dangerous forwards in the game. And this reputation is by no means confined to Bethlehem. In the loss of his services on Sunday Bethlehem was the loser and Fall River the club to benefit.

The Question of Substitutes
That there will be a concerted effort to revise the soccer code so as to provide substitutions and establish the sport more or less along the ideals of American sport, is foremost in the near future and from sentiment expressed opinion is strongly in favor of substitutions. As an experiment it is believed that it will be suggested that substitutions be limited to two or three in each game. Insofar as the spectators are concerned it would assure more equal competition and likewise a full quota of players for each team for an entire game. Take the Sunday episode as an illustration. The two teams competed practically the entire second half of the most important game in the East with 10 men. For Fall River, with a substantial lead established, it was very easy to throw a forward on the defense to replace Lorimer and concentrate exclusively on defensive play. For Bethlehem, it was a case of fighting an uphill battle with a four man forward line. There are various other illustrations that could be refereed to, such as injury during hostilities which would deprive a club of the loss of one of its players to compete against a team at full strength. In collegiate soccer substitutions are allowed.

Thinks Eastern Eleven Will Win Title
Commenting on Fall River's victory over the Bethlehem Steel soccer team in the Brooklyn battle on Sunday afternoon, Levi Wilcox, critic on a Philadelphia newspaper, picks the Eastern eleven to win the National title. He sums up the chances something like this:

"They should win the cup no matter which Western team they tackle, particularly as it is stated by the critics that Western soccer this season is below that of last year's. Scullins, who it will be recalled, gave Paterson such a hard match which ended in a tie. Scullins was then compelled to forfeit the cup because of several of their players being injured and others playing baseball at the time it was scheduled to stage the replay.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club