The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 12, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Mr. Fleming and Others
Gradually recovering from the sting of the defeat on Sunday afternoon in Brooklyn which eliminated the Bethlehem Steel soccer team from further competition in the National Cup competition, the players are now priming for the invasion of the J & P Coats team of Pawtucket, R. I., in an American League game. If not the whole ham surely a part is the attitude of the wearers of the Blue who are now keen to annex the American League bunting and the American Cup trophy. Followers of soccer fear that the unexpected reverse of Sunday may result in a complete collapse of Steel Worker and Sunday's tilt will undoubtedly tell the tale. With J & P Coats will be Whitey Fleming, he of the dangerous foot who has jammed more balls into the net in league competitions this season than any other player.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club