The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 14, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

National Final in St. Louis
The committee in charge of selecting the location for the U. S. F. A. final in the challenge cup competition have decided upon St. Louis, the date probably to be a week from this Sunday. Fall River, conqueror of Bethlehem Steel in the Eastern final will be the team to travel West to compete for the National title. Just who the opponent will be will not be decided until after this weekend but in all likelihood it will be the Vesper-Buicks, of St. Louis unless the dope is in for another grand upset. The Chicago Bricklayers eliminated Celtics of Detroit, Mich., in the semi-final on Sunday afternoon and now meet the Vesper-Buick eleven in the Western final on Sunday afternoon. The winner of the game will be the team which Fall River will oppose.

Think Fall River Will be Champions
Eastern critics are not a bit backwards in predicting that Fall River will garner the National title and some even go as far as to say that with the style of football adopted by the New England eleven the contenders for the honors will have a better chance than if Bethlehem were to invade the West. Not all agree on the latter version, however, and feel that on a fast and dry field and the Steel Workers at their best there would b e no team in the country to defeat them. The style of play adopted by Fall River is more on the order of that played it he West where the teams rely on victory with long passing and the speed of the forwards. Five speedy forwards and strong booting backs is the ideal of the Western style.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club