The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 15, 1918

On Sunday, March 17th, Bethlehem Steel will travel to Bayonne, to play the Babcock & Wilcox F. C. in a National League game. The Babs are exceptionally strong on their own grounds and have been greatly strengthened since their defeat here. Neil Clarke and Jack Lance, two former Bethlehem Steel stars, are now in the Bab's lineup and have added greatly to the strength of their defense. However, the Steel Workers are in great form just now and e very man is aware that to drop one point in the league will be almost fatal to their chances of winning the championship so that the Babs can be assured of a strenuous contest.

The Steel Workers are now entering upon the most strenuous period of the season. National League games, American Cup games, and National Cup games follow one another with such regularity that there is no possibility of letup. However, the physical condition and morale of the team is such that the management feels confident that the men will be able to keep up their wonderful stride and land the three championships for the Bethlehems.

The fight for the National League pennant looks like a struggle between Paterson F. C. and Bethlehem Steel. Both teams have lost one game, but Paterson has protested the game they lost to New York F. C. and if the protest is sustained and they are successful in the replay the Steel Workers will have a bit task on hand to win the championship. Advices from Bayonne would seem to indicate that the Steel Workers are in for a great game with the Babs on Sunday, but with the local team playing with the same dash and determination as featured the last few games they have played they ought to add two more points to their list.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club