The Globe - South Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 16, 1915
National Cup Game to be Played in Bethlehem on Saturday.

Bethlehems team started limbering up today in preparation for its biggest game of the year in the National Cup competition against the Scottish American, of Newark, next Saturday in Bethlehem. A defeat will eliminate either from the National Cup competition. The defeat administered by the Brooklyn Celtics, at Brooklyn last Sunday, will be overlooked if Bethlehems can win from the Scottish American and thereby enter the semi-final of the National Cup competition.

Several of the Bethlehems' players were pretty badly used on Sunday as the Brooklyn Celtic employed very rough tactics which the referee failed to penalize them for and with a few days to get in shape again. This game will probably be one of the most bitterly contested games ever seen in this part of the country, with the Scottish American trying to maintain its sensational winning streak and Bethlehems making desperate effort to retrieve itself from last Sunday's defeat. This game must be played to a finish.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club