The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, March 17, 1924
Soccer Team Manages To Come From Behind and Tie Coats Eleven

by Lucien Esty
A draw was the best the Bethlehem F. C. could get in its American Soccer League game with J & P Coats, of Pawtucket, on the Bethlehem Steel Field Saturday. Each team scored one goal. The visitors tallied their lone counter in the first half, Bethlehem squared the match in the second.

With the wind at their backs during the first half the New Englanders made things interesting for the Bethlehem defense. The latter with Young and Jock Ferguson on the fullback line broke up a number of offensives launched by the Coats forwards. Whitey Fleming, one of the leading goal scorers of the league, was particularly active on the visitors' attack and Carson, the Bethlehem goalie, was called upon to make several saves in this period. Coats scored its goal after forty minutes of play when Drummond landed the ball in the net after a well-placed corner kick by Fleming.

With the resumption of play, Bethlehem had the wind in its favor. The Steel Workers began a bombardment of the Coats goal which resulted in a tally for the Blue and White eleven in the first two or three minutes of play. The tally came after a hot scrimmage near the mouth of the visitors' citadel. Terris shot a fast pass to Walter Jackson who rushed the ball into the net.

Bethlehem continued to press hard and for a time Schofield, the Coats goalkeeper, had a busy time of it. Poor finishing by the Bethlehem forwards partly accounted for their inability to convert their attacks into points.

Throughout the second half the visitors stalled for time. Time and again the ball was allowed to go over the goal line or was kicked out over the side lines not only in the direction of the tennis courts but actually onto them. To the impatient Bethlehem rooters who urged their team to break the deadlock it seemed that the ball was out of bounds more often than it was on the playing field. A wild west wind, cold and blustering, made the ball difficult to control. Drives that were lifted off the ground often landed at the spot where they had been kicked from. The lineup:

Bethlehem -- Coats
Carson -- G -- Schofield
Young -- RFB -- Stevenson
J. Ferguson -- LFB -- Lappen
MacGregor -- RHB -- Bethune
Carnihan -- CHB -- McIntosh
Terris -- LHB -- McAvoy
Turner -- OR -- Harvey
A. Jackson -- IR -- Drummond
W. Jackson -- CF -- Adams
Rattray -- IL -- Hibbert
Goldie -- OL -- Fleming
Goals: Fleming, W. Jackson. Referee, George Young. Time of halves, 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club