The Bethlehems squad put in a stiff two hours kicking and shooting practice yesterday afternoon.
There seems to be a grim determination in the faces of the Bethlehems boys which indicated that there will be something doing next Saturday when they will line-up against Scottish Americans.
There will be a big delegation of Philadelphia fans in the Bethlehems next Saturday to witness the National Cup game between Bethlehems and Scottish American. Reports from Newark state that the Scottish American will bring a big delegation of fans with it on Saturday. They are expected to come on a special train. Scottish American is a strong favorite. The sensational winning streak of the team has been showing and the fans are confident it can beat Bethlehems. It is rated as a great team than Brooklyn Celtic.
Bethlehems officials who have seen it play against West Hudson state that it is unquestionably one of the best teams in the country.
James Walders, Philadelphia, has been appointed referee for this game. His appointment is very satisfactory to the Bethlehems as he is the most favorable efficient and one of the fairest referees in this part of the country. The game must start at 3 p.m. and must be played to a finish. Arrangements have been made to open the gates at 1:30 p.m. on account of the great number of people coming from Newark, New York and Philadelphia. The advance sale of tickets up to date shows that a record crowd will be on hand.
Special efforts are being made to get the ground in the finest condition possible. The winner of the Bethlehems-Scottish American game in all probability will have to meet the winner of the Pittsburgh vs. Chicago game which is to be played on Saturday in Pittsburgh.
Scottish American without doubt will be the greatest team ever seen in this vicinity since soccer started and rated as one of the fastest and most aggressive teams playing soccer today.
Robert Scaife one of the Bethlehems goal keepers suffered the loss of the tip of a finger yesterday while at work in No. 4 machine shop.
Wilbur Cup Competition.
Mr. Benner on behalf of the Men's club, protested the game which the team lost to the Bethlehem Reserves on Saturday last. The protest was to the effect that the lines on the north side of the field were not distinguishable when the extra period started. The protest has been withdrawn. The Bethlehem Reserve is free to meet Pen Argyl, March 20, in Pen Argyl. The very favorable showing of the Reserve last Saturday, on East End field has made the team hosts of friends. Its progress through the Wilbur Cup competition is being watched with keen interest.