Bethlehem Steel soccer team is without a game at the present time for Saturday and an effort is being made to bring Morse Dry Dock here for an exhibition game. If the Dry Dockers cannot accept it is probable that the Steel Workers will play a practice game, as the management does not want to schedule a game with any team that would not give them good opposition. Nearly all the prominent teams of the east are now engaged in cup and league games. The Steel Workers will continue hard training for the semi-final national cup game as they realize that only good physical condition enabled them to emerge victorious in the semi-final last Sunday against the Robins Dry Dock.
Last Sunday's game looked like being another of the hard luck games that Bethlehem Steel loses one in a while . One goal down in the first two minutes and then a continual bombardment of the enemy goal, for the next sixty-five minutes with only an occasional break away by the Robins was a hard thing for the Bethlehem admirers to watch from the side lines, particularly as the superiority of the champions was so evident.
When Bethlehem finally got that tying goal all their admirers seemed to breathe more easily as they felt confident that Robins would soon be behind on the score sheet. Their confidence was fully justified by the final result and now but one more game remains between the champions and the honor of winning the American Cup four times straight.
Despite the fact that the champions were slow in getting the equalizing goal they played a very good game, the one weakness being over-anxiety in front of the goal. Nevertheless they stuck to their task and good team work enabled them to find the net five times in the last twenty minutes.
Robertson and Lance gave a good display in defensive work for the Robins, but the fast pace of the Steel Workers finally wore them down and they were a tired pair when the final whistle blew.
Referee Crichton seemed to lose his nerve on Sunday when jostled by Robins players after Ratican had scored what appeared to be a good goal and why he allowed Sullivan to remain on the field was a surprise even to the A. F. A. officials who witnessed the incident.