Soccer Title Event Coming Sunday
Even though Bethlehem Steel soccer team was eliminated in the National Cup competition, an abundance of interest is manifest in the National final of the U. S. F. A., challenge cup which will be staged at St. Louis, Mo., this coming Sunday. Fall River, conqueror of the Steel Workers in the Eastern final is the Eastern representative to draw the assignment to invade the West and meet the Vesper-Buicks of St. Louis. Among the most notable accomplishments of the Vesper-Buicks this year was to defeat the Scullins, West finalists last season, in one of the early rounds, and qualify for the final this season by defeating the Chicago Bricklayers last Sunday by the one-sided score of 5 to 0. The decisiveness with which the Vesper-Buicks eliminated rival opponents indicates that Fall River, without a question of doubt, will oppose the team best qualified to represent the West. Eastern critics predict that since Fall River plays a style of soccer similar to that of the Western teams, the chances of the trophy again remaining in the East this season are very good.
Quiet Weekend Forecast For Sports
Major sports attractions forecast for this weekend in Bethlehem are decidedly few if any at all. The athletic teams at Lehigh University which have not completed their season of indoor activities will perform away from hone and this number of teams is limited to one. The Brown and White wrestlers engage in their final hostilities on Friday and Saturday of this week in the intercollegiates which will be held at New Haven, Conn. From the headquarters of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team comes no encouraging announcement for activities locally over this weekend. It is possible that the Steel Workers will oppose the Fleisher Yarn eleven of Philadelphia in an A. F. A. cup game and if not the team is certain to be scheduled in a league fracas. However, unless plans are materially changed, neither one of these contests would be played on the home field. Speaking of the Fleisher Yarn eleven, this is the same captured the American Cup laurels week.
What is a Successful Season?
What is a successful season? Analyzing the attitude of a good many sports followers the writer is somewhat inclined to think that a good many local followers are hard to please and contend a successful season must hinge on one particular game or victory of some distinct honor. Take football as an illustration, there are many followers of the Lehigh eleven who contend that a season is not successful unless Lehigh can conquer its most heated rival, Lafayette. This opinion seems to prevail among some regardless of what victories may have been garnered prior to that contest. Another illustration the Bethlehem Steel soccer team. Many followers are condemning the merit of the squad simply because the team lost out in the Eastern final after eliminating all the foremost contenders before qualifying for the final Eastern game. And so on we could refer to a good many other illustrations. Why no be fair to the players and all associated with the teams in question and give credit for a successful season to a team or player that has won more than half of the conquests. Figure out the percentage and see how many athletic groups or individuals there are that complete a schedule without a defeat.