The Globe - South Bethlehem
Friday, March 19, 1915
Michael Murray, Newark, N. J., Was Veteran Follower of Game.

South Orange, N. J., March 19 - Michael H. Murray, proprietor of a saloon in Newark, "father" of soccer football in America and patron of sports in general, died yesterday in his home, 1164 South Orange avenue. He was 60 years old.

Many years ago Mr. Murray owned hotels at Coney Island, and was at one time manager of the old Iron Pier there. He was one of the biggest losers in the fire which swept the island.

Mr. Murray was interested in baseball and horse racing as well as soccer football. He worked for the development of the game in this country and in recognition of his work he was two years ago elected honorary president of the National Soccer league. He was a member of the Passaic River Yacht club and the Newark Cricket club.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club