The Globe -- South Bethlehem
March 19, 1917

The Intercity game between Bethlehem Steel and Philadelphia Hibernian scheduled for last Saturday in Philadelphia was called off at 11 a.m. by the Hibernian management on account of rain, the game will be played next Saturday on the Third and Leigh streets grounds as the Phillies Ball grounds are being put in shape for the opening of the baseball season.

The big game booked by the local management with the All American team has been canceled but it is possible that these two teams may come together sometime in April. This action was taken by the council of the United States Football Association pending the decision of the International Committee who will meet early in April at which meeting the Bethlehem management will ask permission of that body to stage this game.

On March 31, the local champions will clash with the University of Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Champions, 1916-17. The game will be played on the new athletic field with James Walder, referee.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club