The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 19, 1918

Good judges of soccer like John Bedford of Disston, and Andrew Brown of the A. F. A. claim that the present Bethlehem line-up is the greatest that has ever worn the colors of the Steel Workers.

Sam McDonald, who scored two of Interborough Rapid Transit's goals in the New York game last Sunday, is a former Bethlehem player. Sam is at present in the National Army, at Camp Dix, N. J.

Duncan, the Bethlehem Steel goaltender who received a leg injury a few weeks ago is slow to respond to treatment and may be missing from the Steel Workers line-up in the next few games.

Miller, Clarke, and Lance, former Bethlehem players were not effective Sunday as when in the Bethlehem line-up. At that jack Lance, was one of the best men in the Babs' lineup.

The individual goal scoring record of the Bethlehem Steel players for the season of 1917-18 to date follows: Ratican 19, Fleming 19, Easton 12, Pepper 11, Forrest 6, Murphy 4, McKelvey 4, Kirkpatrick 3, Murray 2, Hardy 2, Butler, McGreevey, Casey.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club