The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 19, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
Blue Mountain Soccer Moguls Meet
At a confab of the moguls of the Blue Mountain Soccer League held last night in the Bethlehem Steel Band hall, the date for the playing of the remaining championship game in the circuit between the North Ends and the Saucon Cross Roads team for the Wilbur cup, was set for March 29. Before the session adjourned information reached the gathering that the same date had been decided for the semi-final in the National Cup with Bethlehem as a principal and this city as the scene for the conflict. Immediately the Blue Mountain plans were upset and the above date held open pending a conference with the Bethlehem Steel Athletic Association. It was suggested that the fans be given a double bill and that an effort be made with the Steel Workers' management to have the Blue Mountain cup game precede the big contest. This was done, it is understood, three years ago when the Steel Workers figured in a semi-final staged in this city. Because of the failure of the teams being represented at the meeting, excepting George Nagle, manager of the North Ends, no action was taken on the date for the presentation of the cups or the arrangement of a banquet to mark the close of the season. As soon as the matter of appearing as a preliminary to the big card is disposed of Sec. Carpenter will call another meeting at which the banquet and presentation of cups will be decided. If unable to play with the Steel Workers, April 5 will be the date that the two local aggregations will battle for the Wilbur trophy.

Semi-Final on Lehigh Field
The semi-final for the National Challenge Cup between Bethlehem F. O., the present holder, and the Bricklayers and Masons F. C., of Chicago, will be played on Lehigh Field on March 29, according to the ruling of the Emergency Committee of the United States Football Association at a special meeting held in New York last night. It was at first understood that this game be played in the Middle West and it was practically understood that this play would go through. However, during the later part of the week, it was nosed about that Bethlehem was a more favorable site and as intimated in The Globe earlier in the week was practically decided that the game be played here.

Want Ratican to Tour
Harry Ratican, the star center forward, has not yet accepted the invitation of the Paterson F. C. to accompany on the tour of the European countries which is being arranged by that team. "I have been asked," said Harry, "to play with the team but understand that all the arrangements have not been closed. It would be during the off-season and my desire to tour in the war-ridden countries might prompt me to accept the invitation. However, I will wait a bit longer before attaching my signature to any contract and if the Steel Workers plan a similar trip of which I have heard some such talk, I would far rather go with my teammates." The Steel Workers would be the logical team for such a tour if the demand in Europe is for an American team for exhibition contests with the championship aggressions in those countries. Bethlehem Steel would be by far more preferable since the games would enable the fans to draw a good comparison on t he sport as it is played abroad and in this country. It might be that a series of International games could be arranged for the championship. Bethlehem Steel has established the greatest record of any other aggregation since soccer was introduced in this country. Besides annexing the American and National Challenge Cup competitions in the three years past, they are again headed for these honors and prophets predict that only a severe upset can enhance the chances of again being the winners in the two competitions. The National League title is already safely stored away.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club