The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 19, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
Soccer Game Star Attraction Tomorrow Afternoon
"Rain can't hurt us and with the snow and ice entirely cleared up we're going to make the tenth attempt to stage a game on the Bethlehem Steel field tomorrow afternoon," was the greeting conveyed over the telephone from the offices at the athletic field in announcing the soccer game for tomorrow afternoon as a certainty. This announcement should be greeted with keen delight for it sure has been a long time since the local clan have been seen in action on the Bethlehem field. It is also the first time in weeks that the players were able to get outdoors for practice and several grueling sessions marked the activities this week in priming for the clash with the Wanderers of Philadelphia in the Fourth Round National Cup competition.

Bethelehem Steel Soccer Club