The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 19, 1930
Every Effort Made to Restore Bethlehem Team to Normal Strength

Out on Lehigh Field, the home quarters of the Bethlehem soccer team, every effort is being made in trying to restore the normal strength of the club for the invasion to the New England states at New Bedford, Mass., on Sunday for the replay final round of the Eastern Division, U. S. F. A. cup competition against Fall River.

Herculean measures are being resorted to in hopes of improving the physical condition of four of the regulars injured in the game at the Polo Grounds last Sunday and while several players have already responded to treatment the improvement must be considerably more pronounced to insure their inclusion in the lineup.

Big Bill Carnihan, center half back, who played a brilliant game up to the time he was forced to retire because of a leg injury, appears most seriously injured.

Archie Stark, Tommy Gillespie and Alec Dick, a trio nursing league injuries and bruises, are resounding nicely and the club is more hopeful of their chances to assume their accustomed positions. Gillespie’s injury is an aggravation of an old hurt and Stark’s and Dick’s developed in the Fall River game.

Should Carnihan be unable to play it is most certain that William Reid, big Irishman, who replaced the sterling Carnihan on Sunday, will again assume that position and Bill Finlayson, a halfback but used more exclusively since joining Bethlehem at a fullback berth, who assume Reid’s vacancy. At the fullback berth Gibson, a regular back who had a long siege of idleness due to injury, will be back in harness.

The forward line will probably present more of a problem if more than one of the injured players are forced to remain on the sidelines. Gillespie would most likely be replaced by Johnny Rollo but a forced absence of Archie Stark would create a complete shakeup in the ranks of the goal scorers. The loss of Dick, too, would be a severe blow, even though the club has an outside left available in Georgie Purgavie. Bethlehem however is hopeful that it will be able to pit the same team of last Sunday against the Marksmen in the replay.

Charlie Creighton, the referee last Sunday, will again handle the game. The assignment is not to be unexpected because the game is the resumption of the one not completed after two hours of play last Sunday. However, there is some mystery surrounding the action of the cup committee in replacing the linesmen in the original game and assigning Whittaker and Ward, both New England officials.

In this change DeGroff, the linesman who ruled against Bethlehem on Stark’s goal which if allowed would have been the winning tally, has been removed, as well as his coworker, who it is understood stated he did not see the questionable play.

A league meeting is to be held on Saturday afternoon at which it is quite likely much discussion will center on the H. E. Lewis cup, a trophy offered in competition for the league championship. It is also likely that this cup will again be placed in competition and perhaps be competed for in the round robin series to determine the league championship this year.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club