One of the great soccer games [ . . . ] in this vicinity will be played on the East End field when Bethlehems will line up against Scottish-American, Newark, N. J., in the National Challenge Cup [ . . . ] The game will eliminate the loser while the winner will have to play either Chicago or Pittsburgh. The game means much to Bethlehems. The Scottish-American will arrive tomorrow, accompanied by several hundred rooters on a special train. Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the U. S. F. A. will also be in town as well as several prominent Philadelphia officials, including Peter McLaren, a noted Philadelphia lawyer, the president of the American league of Philadelphia and L. Wilcox, sports editor of the Inquirer and a large number of Philadelphia fans.
The ground has been rolled and is in first class condition. James Walters, Philadelphia, will referee and the gates will be opened promptly at [ . . . ] The game must start promptly at 3 p.m. In the event of a tie at the end of the regular playing periods, extra time must be played, to determine the winner.
Special trolly service from South Bethlehems and Broad and Main depot, Bethlehem, will be in force both before and after the game.
Special training by the Bethlehems team was concluded yesterday and with every man in good condition, considereing last Sundays hard gamee. Both teams will line up today as follows:
Bethlehems Scottish-American
Duncan G -- Knowles
Fletcher R. F. B. -- Towman
Toole L. F. B. -- Barr
Campbell L. H. B. T. Stark
Clarke C. H. B. -- Rogers
Morrison -- R. H. B. -- Montieth
Fordd O. R. -- Hemsley
Murray I. R. A. Stark
Pepper C. F. -- Whiston
Millar I. L. -- Holt
Fleming O. L. Fourfar