The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 20, 1917
Committee Appointed Who Will Rate Clubs According to Past Records. New York, Newark and Bethlehem Anxious to Have Teams Next Season in New England League.

Douglas Stewart, president of the Football Association of Eastern Pennsylvania and District, is already planing for the next soccer season. Mr. Stewart, who is probably the oldest active worker in the game in this section, is of the opinion that better results can be attained by balancing up the various leagues so that the clubs will not be out of their class next season as is the case in the majority of the leagues at the present time.

Despite reports to the contrary, several clubs in New York and Newark, N. J., are anxious to be given a franchise in the proposed Eastern Soccer League. As it is the intention of those behind the movement to admit not more than two clubs from each city, indications point to some of the magnates being disappointed when the time comes for handing out the plums. Bethlehem, National and American soccer champions, has signified its intention of joining the new league, while the Hibernians, of Philadelphia, the new Philadelphia Club, or probably Disston's will be considered when franchises are awarded. With a compact league, with cities like New York and Newark, where Sunday ball can be played, the organizers predict that the movement will be a huge success.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club