The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, March 20, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

National Soccer Title for St. Louis
The national soccer title, which in years past was the coveted possession of the Bethlehem F. C., goes to the Scullin Steel Co. team, of St. Louis, by virtue of its victory over the Todd Shipyard eleven, of Brooklyn, in the final played in St. Louis yesterday. The Scullins won by the score of 3 goals to 2. In winning the title, the St. Louis clan relieved the team of the honor that lifted the championship from the Bethlehem Steel aggregation two years ago. The Todds in their previous successes were reinforced by several Bethlehem players, the only one of prominence, however, to play with the Brooklynites yesterday being Harry Ratican. This dashing center forward was left down without a goal. Both counter for the Todds were scored by McGuire. At half-time the invaders were leading by the count of 2 goals to 1,and probably were victims of their own strategy when they decided to play an exclusively defensive game in hopes of thwarting the efforts of the St. Louis eleven.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club