The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Friday, March 21, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Interest in Soccer
Does it really pay to have high powered teams in soccer, is a remark frequently heard and to which one is safe in replying that it does in certain sectors of the county. As an illustration the writer points to the three cup rounds in which Fall River engaged, two played on the home grounds and one at the Polo Grounds, witnessed by more than 26,000 persons. The New Bedford-Fall River match drew 6,400 spectators, the Pawtucket-Fall River semi-final attracted 6,700, a season’s record in New England, and last Sunday’s game at the Polo Grounds netted 12,994 cash customers in addition to several thousand more who found their way into the spacious park on complimentaries and other means.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club