Lowe inside right of West Hudson who came from Canada to Newark about three years ago is a fast, aggressive and very clever player.
Zehmbauer, his partner at outside right, played with Jersey City last season and is a very dangerous man when near the goal. This pair will give the Bethlehem defense many an anxious moment and will need much watching.
Three other well known stars of West Hudson are, Lennox, McKie and Barr; the first two play left and right half back respectively, and are big husky tireless workers; Barr plays left full-back and was captain of last summer's American cup winners, the Scottish-American, Newark, N. J.
The West Hudson squad is training hard every evening at Federal League park, Newark and as this game must be played to a finish, condition will go a long way toward determining the winner should the game go into extra periods.
The Bethlehem squad was put through a strenuous three hours practice yesterday on East End field.