The Globe -- South Bethlehem
March 22, 1917
All-American Stars Anxious To Get Permission to Tackle Champions.

As the champion Bethlehem soccer team has been handing out defeats to every team that has opposed them in the different competitions in which they have taken part, as well as during their invasion of the Western States, a proposition has been made that the All-American team of the New York Protective Footballers' Association be pitted against the apparently invincible steelworkers.

The American boys captured the honors in the international series last season, and, with practically the same combination, are hot favorites to repeat this year.

Tommy Waldron of the Jersey A. C., who looks after the interests of the American team, and Harry Trend manager of the Bethlehems, talked the matter over at a recent social session following the Bethlehem-Hudson game in Newark. If the necessary permission can be secured through the United States Football Association, Mr. Waldron feels quite confident that the heroes of the international series would be quite willing and anxious to visit Bethlehem to meet the champions. He also states that the individual members of the team have expressed delight at the prospect of having an opportunity of testing the strength of the "champs."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club