The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 22, 1917

The Hibernian management has secured the services of several New York players to strengthen their team on Saturday when they clash with the National Champions at Philadelphia. Walter Hinds or George Young will referee, the steel workers had their final workout today with every man in splendid condition, arrangements have been made for the team and officials to leave on the 10:34 A.M. train over the Philadelphia and Reading. The local team will lineup as follows: Duncan, Goal, Spalding, R. F. B., Ferguson, L. F. B., Murray, R. H. B., Clarke, C. H. B., Kirkpatrick, L. F. B., McKelvey, O. R., Pepper, I. R., Ratican, C. F., Chadwick, I. L., Fleming, O. L., Linesmen Fletcher or Campbell.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club