The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Saturday, March 22, 1930
Dashing Halfback Not With Team En Route to New Bedford For Replay

Mustering together the battered remnants, the survivors of the grueling Eastern final cup battle waged against Fall River on the Polo Grounds last Sunday, a determined group of Bethlehem soccer players left here today en route to New Bedford, Mass., where on Sunday afternoon this important classic will be resumed in a replay.

Every player but one who saw service in the game last Sunday was included in the squad. Bill Carnihan, veteran and scrappy halfback, was left at home to nurse a severe leg injury which failed to respond to the Herculean treatments resorted to during the week.

It was definitely ascertained that Bill Reid, big and aggressive Irishman, will play Carnihan’s position but the successor to the latter involves no less than three players.

The most probably solution for the halfback vacancies will be either Johnny Rollo or Gibson, the former versatile and quite capable and Gibson a fullback who displayed possibilities in playing out of his position.

Archie Stark, goal-getting center forward, whose brilliant work last Sunday was one of the outstanding features, and Tommy Gillespie, speedy right wing, left here with injured legs but nevertheless each is determined to assume his regular position.

Playing inside to Gillespie will be Johnny Jaap while the left wing will comprise the two Alecs, Massie and Dick.

The old war horse, Bob McGregor, veteran of many cup series, will be part of the defensive bulwarks of the invading team. In goal Tom Fraser custodian in every game of the cup series, has again drawn down the assignment.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club