The draw for the semi-final in the National Cup between Pittsburgh, Bethlehems, Brooklyn Celtic and James P. Coates, Pawtucket, R. I., will take place at the Broadway Central Hotel on Thursday, March 25. Hibernian F. C., Philadelphia, which will play Bethlehems here on Saturday to determined the winner of the Philadelphia American League will present its strongest line-up of the year, in its ranks will be four new men, Wilson, fullback of the Paterson True Blues, Glazier, center forward of the Continentals of New York; McLean, a fullback of the Continentals of New York; and Vanderweighe a forward also of the Continentals. They expect to bring a big following with them. The referee for this game will be selected at the American League meeting to be held on Thursday evening in the Inquirer building. The team started strict training for Saturday's game, this will be continued every day this week. Hibernian is also in training, and it is out of both competitions and is only chance of winning the Philadelphia League trophy and gold badges which go with it, is in defeating Bethlehems next Saturday. A win for Bethlehems lands it the League championship, cup and medals.