Unless weather conditions interfere, the Intercity game between the Philadelphia Hibernians and Bethlehem Steel will be played tomorrow in Philadelphia. Both teams will have out very strong lineups and the game will no doubt attract a large attendance.
Dick Spalding who has been out of the game for quite some time owing to an injured knee will get back in the game tomorrow and will partner Ferguson at right fullback.
The Hibernian management will have several new men in the game tomorrow and e3xpct to give the champions a hard tussle. Among the new men recently signed by manager Geoghegan is Hardy of Bridgeport City, a center forward who is considered one of the best. The team and officials will leave on the 10:34 train over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tomorrow.
Work on the New Athletic Field is progressing rapidly and the playing pitch was rolled and put in first class shape yesterday in preparation for the game with the University of Pennsylvania, intercollegiate champions, who are scheduled to play the Bethlehem Steel Company team here March 31. Douglas Stewart coach of the Read and Blue team has every confidence that the University of Pennsylvania can more than hold their own with the National Champions.