The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 23, 1920

The Bethlehem F. C. regulars were handed a neat little surprise yesterday afternoon when the gang of reserves, reinforced by several young [. . . ]oods, took down their togs and for seventy minutes entertained the regulars in one of the liveliest little fracases probably ever witnessed on the home field. The Steel Worker "regulars" have never lost a game on the home field, but things went decidedly wrong yesterday when the scrubs not only won by amassing a total of three goals, but rubbed it in by blanking Capt. Campbell's pets.

With the cup competition becoming tighter Manager Sheridan decided on a little practice game in tuning up for the Saturday clash. Officially the contest will be jotted down as a practice tilt, but some of the regulars will remember it as almost if not altogether interesting as a regular setto. Throughout the entire first half the two teams battled without a score. The scrubs then came into their own in the second half when, with the aid of "Jimmy" Easton, the old "mud-horse" and McKelvey, the latter shifted to the scrubs, three goals were totaled. Easton garnered two and McKelvey added the third.

The result of the contest goes to prove the contentions of the management that every one of the eighteen men under contract is [ . . . ] to take a regular be[ . . . ] if need be and that the team can little be impaired by injury or other causes through the loss of any of the new players. The game also gave the two latest acquisitions to the team, Corrigan and Hyslop, an opportunity to display their wares, Corrigan filling in at halfback in place of Capt. James Campbell, and Hyslop at left halfback for the scrubs. Galloway and McLaughlin, two Scots who came here with Corrigan and Hyslop, also played with the scrubs. The line-up:

Regulars -- Reserves
Duncan -- G -- Trotter
Wilson -- R. F. B. -- Fletcher
Ferguson -- L. H. B. -- Collier
Murray -- R. H. B. -- Pepper
Corriggan -- C. H. B. -- Morrison
W. Morrison -- L. H. B. -- Hyslop
Murphy -- O. R. -- McKelvey
Sturch -- I. R. -- McLaughlin
Harris -- C. F. -- Easton
Forrest -- I. L. Thornsberg
Fleming -- O. L. -- Galloway
Goals -- Easton 2, McKelvey 1. Referee -- Carpenter. Time of halves -- 35 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club