The Globe -- Bethlehem
March 23, 1920
Leading Teams in South American Will Be Played -- Tour Starts in June.

The proposed tour of the Bethlehem Steel Co.'s soccer team to Brazil this summer is assured. That negotiations are favorable and nearing completion was learned last night upon the return from New York City of one of the representatives of the local squad where a conference was held with Ambassador Morgan. The trip will start in June.

This is the trip that was planned for the team when it left here last year for a tour of the Scandinavian countries. Owing to the late return the latter part of the trip was canceled while the team was en route overseas. At that time it was generally understood that the trip to Brazil would be made this year although nothing definite was decided.

From what can be learned the trip will be made regardless of the showing of the squad in the National and American Cup competitions. The tour, it is believed, will be as extensive as the one waged in the Scandinavian countries, winding up with games with an all-star team to represent Brazil, a team that will also represent that country in the Olympics to be staged at Antwerp.

Manager Sheridan when interviewed this morning, stated that he had not received any definite word relative to the trip but that if it was an actual fact he would not consider his appointment as trainer of the soccer team to represent American in the Olympics.

None of the players on the team have been advised as yet of the proposed tour and the announcement no doubt will be received with surprised.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club