The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Friday, March 24, 1916

The game next Saturday, between the Bethlehem Steel and the pick of the Blue Mountain league should be interesting, as the last time these teams met, the Steel company team just managed to lower the colors of the picked team by the odd goal, the champion winning by the score of 4-3. The Blue Mountain leaguers are out for revenge and Secretary Carpenter is confident that the team he has selected can lower the colors of the steel workers.

Up to noon today no work had been received from the West Hudson management as to the condition of the ground, but the arrangements as previously made which call for the referee inspecting the grounds, Saturday afternoon, still stands. The local club should receive word some time Saturday.

Men were at work today fixing up East End field in preparation for tomorrow's big game between Bethlehem Steel and pick of the Blue Mountain league which game is to be played for the benefit of the Eastern Pennsylvania and District Football association. Arrangements have been made to start the game at 3 p.m. Players selected to take part will report at East End field not later than 2:30 o'clock. The teams will line-up as follows:

Pick of B.M. -- Bethlehem
Wright (Bethlehem E. E.) -- G -- Butler
Beattie (Hellertown) -- R.F.B. -- Wilson
Peacock, capt. (Crossroads F. C.) -- L.F.B. -- Whitson
Trotter (Nativity F. C.) -- R.H.B. -- Matthews
Garvey (Allentown F. C.) -- C.H.B. -- Clarke
Lawler (Allentown F. C.) -- L.H.B. -- Lawson
W. Lewis (Lehigh) -- O.R. -- A. Lewis
Quibell (Bethlehem E. E.) -- I.R. -- A. Nother
Coll (Bethlehem E. E.) -- C.F. -- Lance
Haigh (Allentown F. C.) -- I.L -- Graham
Cullen (Easton F. C.) -- O.L. -- Camoletti
Reserves: Morton, Longmore, Gozzard.
Referee: J. H. Carpenter
Linesmen: Fleming and Fletcher.

The members of the Bethlehem Steel company team will wear their dark red and white uniforms tomorrow and the picked team of the Blue Mountain league will display Nativity's colors.

The Bethlehem Steel squad concluded a strenuous week's training today and all players are reported to be in first class condition with the exception of Brown.

With the snow fast disappearing there is every prospect of the game being played with West Hudson on Sunday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club