The Globe -- Bethlehem
March 25, 1921
Stars in Bethlehem and District League Will Meet Former Champions Tomorrow

Taking advantage of the absence of any stellar sporting attractions in this city tomorrow afternoon, the management of the Bethlehem Steel Soccer team has arranged an exhibition game in which the crack Steel Workers will meet the pick of the Bethlehem & District League.

This contest will also put at rest a dispute relative to the merits of the players in the minor aggregations and their ability to rank with the big leaguers. To stage this game all scheduled league contests have been called off and a team of players selected that will represent the North Ends, Ship A., Northampton Plant and Nativity Club. Included among these will be several former Bethlehem players who were admitted to membership in the Bethlehem & District League.

The announcement of the game is creating a furor in the ranks of the District League followers and the admirers of each of the respective clubs will undoubtedly turn out en masse to witness the contest.

It is hardly possible to draw a comparison at this time between the crack Steel Workers and the promising "future greats" who will represent the league, for this will probably be the first time that such a game has been arranged. However, the minor organization supporters are strong in their contention that the sand lotters will give the big Blue players a hard battle.

Arrangements for the game were completed this morning. This late action was taken when it was learned that the exhibition game expected with Fore River had to be postponed until a later date. The Steel Workers are yearning for action and must keep in trim for some of the bigger exhibition games to be staged later. The contest will also give the Bethlehem scouts an opportunity to get a line on some of the promising youngsters. The teams will lineup with the following players:

Beth. District -- Beth. Steel
Henderson (Ship A) -- G -- Kerr
Trotter (North Ends) -- R.F.B. -- Collier
Yeoman (Ship A) -- L.F.B. -- Ferguson
Lovell (Ship A) -- R.H.B. -- Bethune
R. Stewart (North End) -- C.H.B. -- Campbell
B. Stewart (North Plant) -- L.H.B. -- Murray
Galbraith (North End) -- O.R. -- Murphy
Heath (North End) -- I.R. -- Morrison
Lance (North End) -- C.F. -- Brittan
Paulson (Ship A) -- I.L. -- Forrest
Morey (Ship A) -- O.L. -- Fleming
Mayor (Nativity -- Reserve
Borman (North End) -- Reserve

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club