The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 25, 1924
Steel Workers have Received An Alluring Offer to Play Two Games At St. Louis

While Fall River has the honor of competing in St. Louis in the National Cup final, there, too, is a strong possibility that the Steel Workers will invade the West to display their wares in St. Louis. This became known yesterday as briefly stated in the Globe last night, when the management of the Bethlehem steel soccer team received a most alluring guarantee to bring the team to St. Louis to oppose an all-star aggregation of the district in a series of two games. The dates set for the game are April 5 and 6.

No definite decision has yet been made, but will probably be decided upon before the end of the week. A speedy reply is imperative for in the event that Bethlehem turns down the games, some of the other leading eastern teams will be given the opportunity.

The popularity of the Bethlehem Steel team in St. Louis was attested four or five years ago when the Steel Workers invaded that district for a series of three games played on consecutive days and before the biggest crowds that ever witnessed a game in that district. It will be recalled that Bethlehem won one game, lost one, and the odd game resulted in a draw. The proposition is being seriously considered and although the management has not yet come to any definite decision it is highly probably that the team will go west.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club