The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 25, 1924
Next Year There Will Be a Dozen Clubs Campaigning in American Association

The growing popularity of soccer throughout the country is again evide3nced by the action taken at the meeting of the executives of the American Soccer League held in New York City when four additional clubs were accepted as members of the circuit. This brings the total number of clubs to twelve. Another club will be established in Brooklyn and in all probability will play all its home games at Dexter Park, the scene of the Eastern final in the National Cup competition. Boston will have a club, possibly to play in the big league ball park. New Bedford, Mass., and Providence R. I. are the other two cities granted a franchise.

The meeting was probably t he most important held this season. It is learned that scores of applications were received for admission to the circuit, but that after careful consideration only the above-mentioned clubs were admitted to membership. It is possible that at some future meeting a second division or any other league to operate similar to that of the Senior circuit, will be organized.

With a twelve-club circuit more games will have to be played and as a result it was decided to open the season earlier and operate later in the spring. Labor Day was generally approved as an ideal date to launch the 1924-25 campaigning.

Having been granted permission by the National Association, the league teams will be exempt from appearing in the early rounds of the cup tie games. This will enable the league to operate more consistently and do away with the games in which teams far superior were drawn to meet opponents in the early rounds of the cup play. Many favorable dates were lost during the present season on that account.

The Steel Workers will compete in two league games over the weekend both of which will be away from home. On Saturday the Bethlehem team will oppose J & P Coats of Pawtucket, R. I. at that place, and on Sunday come back to New York to meet the reorganized and reinforced National Giants, which is operating under new management.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club