The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 26, 1930
Bethlehem Eleven to Resume League Campaigning Against All-Jewish Team.

Emerging from the National Cup campaign in which the team advanced to the final round and then forced to submit to Fall River, the Bethlehem soccer eleven will resume league affairs on Saturday afternoon on the home grounds after a lapse of several weeks.

The celebrated All-Jewish Hakoah eleven is assigned to come here to oppose the cup finalists and with this team as the opposition a hard game is certain.

The forward line is the department most severely crippled for among the absentees on the front line will be Archie Stark, center forward, Tommy Gillespie, outside right, and Johnny Jaap, inside right.

This trio are definitely lost for Saturday’s game and it is also likely that Bill Carnihan, unable to play in the final round cup replay at New Bedford because of injury sustained in the cup game the Sunday previous, will be on the shelf for the Hakoah tilt.

Stark and Gillespie, both of whom played under the stress of injuries, will probably not be seen in action for a good long time if they again boot a ball this season.

Jaap survived the hard game in good physical condition but because of urgent affairs at his home in Pittsburgh has been granted a leave of absence. In somewhat relieving the forward line situation Bethlehem will present for the first time to a home crowd a new player who in his debut as a member of the team created a very favorable impression. The newcomer is an inside forward named Tollan, who before coming to this country played with Hamilton Academics, a first division Scottish team.

Tolland Had his first taste of American soccer sporting the colors of Bethlehem in a league game played against the New York Nationals on the latter’s grounds Sunday two weeks ago. For the other vacated positions, Georgie Purgavie and Arthur Robertson will most likely be called upon for duty.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club