Phillies Likely to Meet National Champs
Soccer fans no doubt will be interested to know that there is a possibility of the Philadelphia F. C., comprised mostly of former Bethlehem Steel players, many of whom still claim Bethlehem as their residence, locking horns with the Scullin F. C., of St. Louis, national Cup champions for the 1922 season. It is understood that the champions are anxious to have the Phillies make a trip tot he western city early next month and that the project is being considered. It is contended that if the Phillies win the American League championship they will be recognized as the eastern soccer champions and that the Scullins could not rightfully claim titular honors of the United States without lowering the colors of the Phillies. The Scullins in winning the title defeated the Todds in the final played in St. Louis several weeks ago. Incidentally, the Phillies defeated the Todds in an American League game this season. Such a game would decide without an element of doubt the rightful claimants of the American honors. Heretofore doubt existed which was readily the champion, the winner of the National or American cup.