The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Wednesday, February 28, 1917
Big Game Scheduled for Home Grounds, on Saturday.

Homestead Steel Works, Pittsburgh, will play Bethlehem, national champion, next Saturday in the United States championship series in Bethlehem Steel athletic field. They have won the Pittsburgh and district league in the last two seasons, or the last four out of five seasons, and in Western Pennsylvania this season beat all opponents. Their work in the National Challenge cup series is proof that they are on a par with any of the leading teams in the country. In the various rounds of the big series they have defeated the famous Braddock team of Pittsburgh, 2-1, and the Juniata team of Altoona, 9-2, also the leader of the Cleveland league the White Auto F. C.

The work of getting the field in first class shape is progressing favorably and judging by the advance sale of tickets for this important game a record crowd will be on hand. The Bethlehem Stele band will render music.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club