The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 28, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

And Then, Maybe, Big Soccer Tilt
Since in sports nothing seems improbable, it would be no surprise if before many more weeks some effort were made to stage here a game between the Scullin F. C. of St. Louis, National Cup champion and the Philadelphia F. C., leading contender for the American Soccer League honors. It was recently announced that the Scullins have invited the Phillies to come to St. Louis and that favorable negotiations are pending. Should the Phillies by chance invade St. Louis or even should a series of three games be arranged to decide championship honors, and the visitors defeated in the first game or the series end in a tie, it would not be surprising if a game were suggested and arranged for the Bethlehem Steel field. Practically all of the Philadelphia players have maintained their homes in this city since the team was transferred virtually intact to the Quaker City and would undoubtedly welcome such a tilt on home soil.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club