The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Friday, March 28, 1930
Revamped Bethlehem Eleven Ready for Hakoah All-Star Invasion

No title will be at stake when Bethlehem and Hakoah meet on Lehigh Field on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, but a league game that promises to be waged with all the determination and speed of a cup tie affair.

Changes made will most likely see Gibson doing duty at his old position at right fullback with Finlayson moving up to the halfback line. This shift was made in the second half of the replay game against Fall River and immediately the team seemed to function with greater effectiveness. Gibson proved himself a fullback and far more capable in this position than in the halfback berth in which he was tried.

The forward line with few exceptions will hardly be recognized as the one that battled for National soccer supremacy. The right wing will be an entirely new combination in which Johnny Rollo will be outside forward and Tollan, the recent acquisition and former Scottish first division goal-getter, at the inside berth.

IN contrast to this lineup Hakoah will have its team of Jewish stars intact, including one of the best balanced and most dangerous forward lines in the league. From wing to wing, positions held down by Swartz and Wortman, Hakoahs a combination in which each player is reputed a dangerous shot and a good scorer. Johnny Walders has been assigned to handle the game. The probable lineup follows:

Bethlehem -- Hakoah
Fraser – G – Fisher
Gibson – RFB – Grosz
McGregor – LFB – Sternberg
Reid – RHB – Gold
Finlayson – CHB – Drucker
Pitt – LHB – Mahrer
Rollo – OR – Swartz
Tollan – IR – Hauesler
Massie – CF – Gruenfeld
Robertson – IL – Gruenwald
Dick – OL – Wortman

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club