The Globe - South Bethlehem
Monday, March 29, 1915 -- Editorial

Bethlehems on Saturday secured the American Soccer league championship in a brilliantly played game, administering a crushing defeat to the Philadelphia Hibernian team, the followers of the Quaker City's largest list of gridiron clubs. The score six goals to one tells the tale of a battle well fought and the removal of any doubt as to the result of the encounter and makes reason clear why local pride should be expressed toward these peaceful soldery. Some local residents may not encourage the sport, may consider soccer without the pale of their choice of athletics and even may decry the time consumed in training and games, but none of these have advanced the name of the Bethlehems as these "kickers" have done even by one game. Soccer in the Bethlehems has had and still retains a loyal support and is deserving of this and more besides. The result of Saturday in bringing home one of the greatest honors in the field of sport, the Bethlehems team has performed a feat entirely worthy of public recognition in some form. With but the loss of one game, during the season, Bethlehems team has placed the name of the community in very large headlines in newspapers throughout the country and turned attention Bethlehemsward. In athletics the Bethlehems team occupies that corresponding position which the Bach choir has attained in music and the Bethlehem Steel company in armor plate and ordinance. All honor to this peaceful yet active company of contenders, who for the second successive year have brought home a championship which has been so clearly won that dispute, the sequel to many modern day successes, is hopelessly out of the question.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club