Bethlehem Globe
Wednesday, March 29, 1916

The Pennsylvania Intercollegiate championship game, between the University of Pennsylvania and Lehigh, which is to be played next Saturday, on Taylor field, should be a corker as the red and blue will have out its varsity team and the Lehigh boys will have to go all the way if they want to win. Several stars of the Bethlehem Steel company team are busy helping coach the brown and white for this important game. Efforts are also under way for Lehigh to have the services of two of its former soccer players, Baird and Schultz, who are on probation. With these two men in the lineup and the team playing the same dashing game as it did against Lafayette, Lehigh's chances appear bright.

Bethlehem Steel company team will lineup against Lehigh this afternoon on Taylor field in a practice game.

Brown, who is suffering of an injury to his knee is improving, and with a couple of weeks more rest will be able to get back into the game again.

With every prospect of the game being played next Sunday, at Newark, between Bethlehem Steel and West Hudson, the management of West Hudson is advertising the game extensively throughout New Jersey, and its players are being put through special training. If nice weather prevails next Sunday, it is predicted that a record crowd will be on hand to witness this game. Although no official news has been received, it is a foregone conclusion that the winners of the Bethlehem Steel - West Hudson game will have to meet Chicago in the semi-final. Just where this game is to be played will not be known until the United States Cup committee meets next Saturday.

Jersey City fans are still wondering when Bethlehem Steel will be able to fulfill its schedule with the Jersey City team. It is probable that this game will be played on April 9.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club