The Globe -- Bethlehem
March 29, 1918

George Caldicott, who will referee tomorrow's game, is one of the greatest referees in the country today. Mr. Caldicott's greatest asset is his ability to keep cool under all conditions.

George Male, manager of the Joliet team, who was formerly manager of the old Pullman tam, states that the westerners will give the Steel Workers the surprise of their life.

Cartwright and Vadino, the Joliet left wing, have the reputation of being the cleverest left wing in the west. With Easton and Fleming working their usual good speed and cleverness, they will hardly monopolize all the limelight.

The Bethlehem Steel Company band will be in attendance at the game and everything points to the greatest crowd that was ever seen on the Bethlehem Steel field.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club