With everything in shape for tomorrow's big game and both teams on edge local fans are promised a contest worth seeing and the Bethlehem management is looking for a big crowd to be on hand. Special arrangements have been made with the Lehigh Valley Traction Company to run extra cars both before and after the game. The big grandstand is now closed in with glass with the exception of the south side and the spectators are assured of a warm and comfortable seat with a splendid view of the game. The University of Pennsylvania will arrive in town tomorrow morning and the game will start promptly at 3 p.m. Both teams will be at full strength and will line-up as follows:
Beth. Steel -- Uni. of Penn.
Duncan -- G -- Shannon
Fletcher -- R. F. B. -- Ewards
Ferguson -- L.F.B. -- Baldwin
Murray -- R.H.B. -- Buxby
Campbell -- C.H.B. -- Mohr
Clarke -- L.H.B. -- Webster
McKelvey -- O.R. -- Montenegro
Pepper -- I. R. -- Nassau
Ratican -- C. F. -- Spencer
Easton -- I. L. -- Hough
Fleming -- O.L. -- Kinsman
Linesmen -- Kirkpatrick, Smith. Referee -- J. Walders of Philadelphia. Time of halves -- 45 minutes.
Easton a new man recently signed by Bethlehem will make his first appearance in tomorrow as a partner to Fleming. Easton came here from St. Louis where he had been playing on the famous St. Leos team of that city.
No word has been received from the management of the Ben Miller Club professional champions of St. Louis, in answer to the offer made that club by Bethlehem, Disston and Newark for a series of games to be played in the East around the Easter holidays. The Eastern clubs were willing to give the Mould City team a guarantee of $1,000 with a privilege of the gate receipts and this offer was wired to them on Monday but up to date they have failed to accept same. This is a better offer than that made to the Bethlehem club a short time ago for a series out in St. Louis as Bethlehem could not get the percentage privilege.
A challenge from the Pittsburgh team was received by H. W. Trend this morning, the Smoky City club claims that if they played Bethlehem on a dry field they are confident they could defeat them and to back up their claims are willing to wager on the game. Trend stated that it is quite possible that Bethlehem may accept this challenge and if satisfactory arrangements can be agreed upon this game may be played at Bethlehem next Saturday April 7th.