The Globe – South Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 31, 1915 – page 1
Readiness for Saturday’s Game – Will Tour New England in April – Arrangements for Saturday’s Game.

The directors of the Bethlehems club entertained the team at a dinner and musicale last night in the Crossroads hotel. The game on Saturday was discussed after which songs were rendered by various members of the team. The work on Taylor field is under way and the laying out of the grounds which must be 110 yards by 70 is almost completed. Bethlehems’ management announces that it has completed arrangements for a tour of the New England states from April 16 to 20. The leading club of Fall River, Mass., the Fall River Rover considered on of the best teams in the New England states will be Bethlehems’ opponents on April 17; April 19 Bethlehems will play either the New Bedford F. C. or an all-star team picked from all the New Bedford clubs. The leading clubs of the New England states have been very anxious to have Bethlehems visit them and final arrangements were completed yesterday. Bethlehems will probably leave on April 16 arriving in Fall River the next day, when it will play Fall River Rover. On Sunday it will leave for New Bedford and the 19th it will play the leading New Bedford team. Word has been received from the Pittsburgh management that it expects to leave Pittsburgh on Friday morning, arriving in town Friday evening. It will bring eighteen players along, besides several officials of the club. Donaghy a member of last year’s champion team is a member of the Pittsburgh team, but on account of his having signed a National form for Bethlehems in the early part of the season he will not be eligible to play against the Bethlehems. The attendance for this game promises to surpass all records. The demand for reserved seats has been far beyond expectations. The reserved section will be the north side, the south side being thrown open for general admission. The Bethlehem Steel company band will be an attraction.

Pittsburgh will wear dark blue and white. Bethlehems will wear new uniforms of cardinal and white. The game must start promptly at 3 p.m. in the event of a tie at the end of the regular playing periods extra time must be played to determine the winner. Nearly all of the leading officials of the United States Football association, the American Football association, and the Philadelphia American league of which champion Bethlehems has just own have signified intention of witnessing the game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club