By Fred Nonnemacher
Will Sport Bethlehem Steel Colors
A newcomer in the ranks of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team, not as a signed member of the club, but rather to be favored with a try-out, is Bart McGhee, a Philadelphia player, who will sport the Blue of the Bethlehem club in a National League game in Bayonne, N. J., on Sunday afternoon. McGhee is one of the soccer luminaries in the Philadelphia district where he played with the Wolfenden-Shore team. He appeared against the Bethlehem contingent on several occasions this season and in every game made a favorable impression with the local management as a speedy, clever and accurate shooting forward. For the game against Babcock & Wilcox the local management has received permission from the club he signed with to use him. However, it is believed that his signature to a Bethlehem Steel registration form for next season will depend largely on his showing in the National League tilt. McGhee is signed to an amateur form which entitles him to play with any other club providing he gets permission from the club with which he is singed and the permission then approved by the Eastern Pennsylvania District Football Association. Application for permission has been made and although the action is still pending, it is not believed that the permission will be refused.
Satterwaite May Return to England
Joe Satterwaite, one of the Bethlehem Steel forwards, may be missing in American soccer circles when next season's campaigning begins. Rumors have been many that he intends to return to his native heath, England, and has already made arrangements for his departure. Close associates do not deny that he is planning a trip abroad but intimate that it will be only for a visit and he will return before the next season to sign with the Steel Workers or some other American club. His wife, it is understood, also a native of England, will leave for abroad within the next two weeks and will be followed by her husband later. Joe was one of the regular forwards until Joe Morrison loomed upon the horizon. The latter in a tryout greatly impressed the management of the club and since he has appeared in every game. Satterwaite is ranked with the best forwards in the country. He is a veteran, thoroughly seasoned and a past master in his knowledge of all the ins and outs of the sport. His acquisition with any other team would undoubtedly prove a material asset and there is little doubt that he would be quickly signed with some other club if released by the local management.
May See Scottish Players Here
The Scottish players that will invade Canada and American for exhibition games may probably be seen in action against the Steel Workers. While it was learned that negotiations for such a game had not been opened, it was however said that the proposition is under consideration, which means that there is a good possibility of the Bethlehem team meeting the tourists. The drawback probably is the big guarantee asked for such contests and it is likely that the management feels that the lean gates in recent home games do not warrant the venture. Were local sportsmen more partial to the sport t here is little doubt that Bethlehem would be among the first clubs to meet the Scotchmen on American soil.