The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Thursday, April 1, 1915 -- page 9
Important Challenge Cup Competition Game on Saturday on Taylor Field, Lehigh University

The following communication has been received from the management of the Homestead Steel Works soccer team of Pittsburgh, which is expected to arrive in town Friday evening: --

The Homestead Steel Works F. C. has won the Pittsburgh and District League the last two seasons or in fact the last four times out of five seasons and in Western Pennsylvania this season we have beaten all opponents and our work in the U. S. F. Challenge cup competition is good proof that we have made good and we feel that we can place ourselves on a par with the majority of the leading soccer teams of the country. In the various rounds of the U. S. F. A. Competition cup to the semi-final we have beaten such teams as Chicago, Cleveland, Juniata and Buffalo, all of these teams had previously beaten some of the best teams in their vicinity. Chicago having eliminated the great St. Leo of St. Louis which earned it the right to meet us and we in turn defeated it. It is interesting to know that three of the Homestead Steel Works players of this season played in the memorial game, Braddock of Pittsburgh vs. Bethlehems last season which game Bethlehems won only after a strenuous fight in which extra time was needed. The players in question are Howe, Lowther and Rattery. The above players changed their allegiance to the Steel Works Club and this season have been playing in their best form. The Homestead team is in active training in the gymnasium of the Homstead Steel Works Library and intends being in the best shape to get into the game against Bethlehems on Saturday. It may be interesting for the Bethlehems fans to know our season's work. Up to date we have played 27 games, we have won 23, tied 2 and lost 2. We have scored a total of 87 goals agaisnt our opponents to 21 scored against us.

Special training which has been in force by the local team was concluded today and the team will rest up until Saturday. Trainer Lynn reports that every man of Bethlehems to be in excellent condition. Just what line up will take the field is not known. Communications have been received by the local club from Hamilton and Ontario, Canadaa, and Niagra Falls asking Bethlehems to make a tour of Canada in the middle of May. As the local club will make a tour of the New England states in the middle part of April as previously announced and if satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Canadian clubs a tour wil lalso be made in Canada in the middle of May.

Work on Taylor Field is almost completed and everything promises to be successful. From the sale of advance tickets a record crowd will be on hand to see Pittsburgh and Bethlehems beattle in this soccer championship game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club