At the meeting of the American League in the Inquirer building, Philadelphia, the delegates of the various clubs completed arrangements for the playing off of the postponed American League games. Hibernian and Disston will play Saturday at Tacony, Victor Talking Machine Co., and Ranger will play at Potters field on Saturday also. Secretary Trend informed the delegates that it was impossible for his club to arrange any definite dates owing to the club being tied up with the National and American cup games, but every effort will be made to work in its postponed league games as soon as the cup games are finished.
Official word has been received from Thomas Cahill of the United States Football association that the fourth round National cup game between Bethlehem Steel and West Hudson must be played Sunday, April 2, to a finish. The game will start at 2:30 o'clock. D. M. Wayte of Brooklyn will referee.
Ferguson who has been ill of grip is improved and will be fit for Sunday's game.
All members of the Bethlehem team are in first class shape with the exception of Brown.
Lehigh concluded special training this week and is reported on edge for the game today with the University of Pennsylvania. Two forty-five minute periods will be played. Penn will lineup her full varsity team, several of whom were picked on the All American soccer team this year. This team finished in second place in the big intercollegiate series and only lost one game, that to Columbia on a penalty.
Reports from Chicago show that the soccer fans of that city are elated over the wonderful showing made by the Pullman soccer team in the National Cup series. This team has defeated some of the best teams in the west, including Detroit and Cleveland, and at the present time is in the semi-final of the National Cup. The team will probably meet the winner of the Bethlehem vs. West Hudson game on or before April 16.