The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, April 1, 1919

On Saturday, Bethlehem Steel soccer team will play the pick of the Shipyard League in an exhibition game at the Bethlehem Steel field. This will probably be the last appearance of the champions on the local field this season, as the next two games will be finals of both the American and National Cups and will be played on neutral grounds. On Feb. 8 the Steel Workers played a team from the Shipyard League at Philadelphia and the game ended in a tie at one goal each, so that local fans can depend upon a strong team being lined up against the champions and they will be given a great test before the final cup games with Paterson F. C. The officials of the Shipyard League meet tonight to select the team and they will be sure to select a clever aggregation.

When the picked team from the Shipyard League tied Bethlehem at Philadelphia all the players were presented with gold medals, and they have been promised something better if they succeed in defeating the champions on their home grounds.

Saturday's game against the All-Star team of the Shipyard League will serve to definitely decide the personnel of the Bethlehem team which will line-up in the finals.

Sunday, April 13, is the date set for the American Cup final, the game to be played on Federal League field, at Harrison, N. J., and the National Cup is expected to be played at Fall River on Saturday, April 19.

There will probably be one or two changes in the Bethlehem line-up on Saturday with a view to finding the strongest possible combination for the Cup finals.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club